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Tasmanian Bridge Association

1st to 2nd July 2023


Organiser: Simon Edler
Phone: 0409939194

Chief Tournament Director: 

Sue Falkingham


Youtube video - How to browse, enter and pay for congress entry


The TBA Congress consists of 4 events, matchpoint pairs in 3 categories on Saturday 1st July and Swiss Pairs on Sunday 2nd July.

The matchpoint pairs categories are Open & Restricted (<150MP) (both all day) with lunch included in the entry fee.
Novice Pairs (<25MP) (Saturday afternoon only, begins after lunch).

The Swiss Pairs entry fee also includes Sunday lunch.

Entries close 8pm Thursday 29th June 2023

Location - Tasmanian Bridge Association Clubrooms, Hobart


There is plentiful onsite parking available.


Free tea & instant coffee provided.
Espresso coffee & hot chocolate available at $2 per cup.

TBA members are asked to kindly bring a plate to share for morning & afternoon tea.

A light lunch is provided for all entrants playing in the Open & Restricted Matchpoint Pairs and the Swiss Pairs..


Event Full entry fee per player Day Time Total entries Action
TBA Congress Open Matchpoint Pairs25 credits Saturday 01-07-2023 - 9:30am & 1:30pm 13 Entries closed on Wednesday 28 Jun 2023View Entries
TBA Congress Restricted Matchpoint Pairs25 credits Saturday 01-07-2023 - 9:30am & 1:30pm 10 Entries closed on Wednesday 28 Jun 2023View Entries
TBA Congress Novice Matchpoint Pairs10 credits Saturday 01-07-2023 - 1:30pm 6 Entries closed on Wednesday 28 Jun 2023View Entries
TBA Congress Swiss Pairs25 credits Sunday 02-07-2023 - 9:30am & 1:15pm 40 Entries closed on Thursday 29 Jun 2023View Entries

If paying by internet transfer, please put CON followed by your ABF number and as much of your surname will fit in the description field when you make the transfer. (eg. CON 161659 Edler)
BSB: 067-102
A/C #: 2801 2004
A/C Name: Tasmanian Bridge Association

Bank Transfer Details

Bank Account Details for direct debit: BSB: 067-102 A/C #: 2801 2004 A/C Name: Tasmanian Bridge Association

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