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Toowong Bridge Club Inc

20th to 20th August 2023


Organiser:Janet Lovell
Phone:0409 387 527
Chief Tournament Director:
Jan Peach


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The results will be displayed here.


Location - Toowong Bridge Club


The club is well positioned for car access off Coronation Drive or Milton Road, each with convenient links to the South East Freeway, the Western Freeway and Brisbane's northern suburbs. Off-street car parking is available with spaces reserved for people with a disability.

Public transport is available within easy walking distance at nearby Auchenflower and Milton rail stations, as well as bus stops on Coronation Drive and Milton Road.


Lunch will be included. Please advise beforehand of any dietary needs.

Coffee, tea and snacks provided throughout the day.

Additional Information

Off-street car parking is available with spaces reserved for people with a disability. There is wheelchair access as well as wheelchair toilets and an automatic entry door.


* For teams events Entry fee per player assumes a team of 4. Amounts will differ for teams of 5 or 6.

Event Full entry fee per player Day Time Total entries Action
Under 150 Masterpoints35 credits* Sunday 20-08-2023 - 9:30am 6 Entries closed on Friday 18 Aug 2023View Entries
Under 750 Masterpoints35 credits* Sunday 20-08-2023 - 9:30am 8 Entries closed on Friday 18 Aug 2023View Entries
Open35 credits* Sunday 20-08-2023 - 9:30am 18 Entries closed on Friday 18 Aug 2023View Entries

The event is subject to the current health requirements and guidelines

as issued by Queensland Health, ABF, QBA and the Toowong Bridge Club.

Bank Transfer Details

Choosing Bank Transfer as your payment method:

Toowong Bridge Club, BSB 124 003, A/c 2329 9317 - with Surname & “Open”, “< 750” or “< 150”.

Make sure you change your entry from Bridge Credits to Bank Transfer.

No Payments will be accepted once competition entries are closed.

Proof of Payment required if paying after 5pm Wednesday 16th August.

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