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Kenmore Bridge Club

11th September 2022


Organiser:Elizabeth Handley
Phone:0404 833 057
Chief Tournament Director:Julie Jeffries


Kenmore Bridge Club

Queensland Bridge Association


A QBA approved Red Masterpoint Congresses conducted under QBA regulations.

RED Masterpoints awarded for each match won or drawn plus outright awards to the top  of the field (not guaranteed unless an ABF number is provided).

Under 50 Masterpoint players may elect to play in the under 100 Masterpoint grade.

Players must have fewer than 50 Masterpoints or fewer than 100 Masterpoints as at 30/06/2022.

Green and Blue systems only.

Swiss Pairs scoring method is by Matchpoints.

Each player must have a currently approved ABF system card. Players are responsible for ensuring the correctness of their system classification.

Prizes in both grades.

Location - Indooroopilly State High School, Main Assembly Hall, 111 Ward Street, Indooroopilly, 4068


For public transport options please  visit Translink


Water, tea and coffee available

Refreshments throughout the day

BYO Lunch

Soft and alcoholic drinks at the end of play

Additional Information

Smoking is not permitted in the venue or within 5 metres of the building entrances.


Event Full entry fee per player Day Time Total entries Action
Rookie (under 50 Masterpoints)30 credits Sunday 11-09-2022 - 9:30am 14 Entries closed on Wednesday 7 Sep 2022View Entries
Novices (under 100 Masterpoints)30 credits Sunday 11-09-2022 - 9:30am 16 Entries closed on Wednesday 7 Sep 2022View Entries

The event is subject to the terms of the current Covid-19 vaccination policies as issued by the ABF, QBA and Kenmore Bridge Club, and current Queensland Health requirements and guidelines.

If you are unwell, please do not enter the premises. Maintain social distancing whenever possible and sanitise your hands regularly.

Entry conditions maybe subject to change, which may include cancellation of the event.

Bank Transfer Details

Kenmore Bridge Club

BSB 034-055

Account number 393425

Transfer reference must be Congress + Name (Eg. Congress J Smith)

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