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Gold Coast Bridge Club

21st April 2025

Sponsored by

       The Rose and Bernie Nightingale Memorial Trust


Tournament OrganiserAlan Kestenberg
Phone:0421 329 998
Tournament Director:Eva Berger



ABF Resources

  • Note all players in your entry need to have their own personal MyABF account if they are to be specifically named when you lodge your entry. If you are lodging an entry but are waiting for a teammate to set up their own MyABF account, you can lodge the entry with the player shown as "TBA" (to be advised).  If so, please also add their name in the comments area - which is then visible to the Tournament Organisers and the director.  The "TBA" can be updated when the player has set up their MyABF account.
  • Help on any MyABF issues is also available from Paul Brake - 0490 117 482 or



  • Enter via MyABF (this site). 
  • Entry fee: $40 per player  ($160.00 per team).   Payment (via MyABF) can be made for all or one or more team members at a time. If a team consists of 5 or 6 players, the first four players pay $40 each, and the team members sort out among themselves the internal split of the $120 between themselves. 
  • Entries close on (and payment of the team entry fee must be received by) 5 pm Thursday 18 April 2025.  Late entries and refunds at the discretion of the club.
  • Need Help? If you have difficulties in registering for MyABF, or entering in,/paying for this specific event, see the MyABF resources in the Links section of this webpage.  You can also contact Paul Brake on 0490 117 482 or email who is happy to help!


  • Delicious lunch provided.  If you wish to request a vegetarian meal, please do so in the comments section when your competition entry is made.  Unfortunately we are unable to cater for anyone with more specialised dietary requirements.

  • Tea/coffee will be available all day.

  • Complimentary drinks and savories at end of play


  • Swiss Movement. 

  • The director may vary the anticipated format if there is a change from the expected number of tables.


  • Generous prizes (at the option of the club, may be paid in cash, bridge credits or bank transfer) 

  • The right is retained to divide the field for secondary prizes.


The MyABF on-line partnership desk used for this event allows you to advertise you are looking for a partner or teammates. This can be done privately (so only the tournament organisers know who you are) or publicly (all players can see your name/s).  If players are listed as looking for partner/teammates, you can also see that and click on their names to contact them by email.  You can withdraw from the partnership desk at any time. 


  • RED Masterpoints at B4c level for each match win or draw, plus the top third of overall field.

  • Green, Blue and Red systems and Brown Sticker conventions and treatments permitted.

  • Each pair must have two adequately completed (and systemically identical) ABF system cards at the start of each round. Players are responsible for ensuring the correctness of their system classification.

  • All players must adhere to the club's health and safety protocols,  including any terms as stipulated on the day.  Players and officials are asked not to attend any event if they are infectious, or if they are supposed to be isolating or quarantining. Those who come to play and, feeling unwell, self diagnose that they are infectious, should inform the director and leave the venue.

Location - Gold Coast Bridge Club


Ample free parking is available at the club.  For full details of transport options, click here.

Additional Information

The club has ramp access for wheelchair uses, and toilets for people with special needs.


* For teams events Entry fee per player assumes a team of 4. Amounts will differ for teams of 5 or 6.

Event Full entry fee per player Day Time Total entries Action
Teams40 credits* Monday 21-04-2025 - 9:30am 1 Enter
View Entries

1 bridge credit = 1 Australian Dollar

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