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Bridge Victoria

5th to 6th April 2025


Organiser:Laurie Kelso
Phone: ‭0412 559 171‬
Chief Tournament Director: Laurie Kelso


Nominations for teams to play in the Victorian Open Team playoff are open and are due in by 21st March 2025

Four  VQP teams  will participate in the Victorian Open Team Selection Final held at the Victorian Bridge Centre on the weekend of 5th & 6th April. The winner of that final will represent Victoria in the Open Teams at the 2025 Australian National Championships to be held in Brisbane commencing July 6th.

There will be a randomly drawn semi-final on Saturday April 5th with the two winning teams contesting the final on Sunday April 6th.

You must confirm that should you win the event you are available to attend the ANC in Brisbane commencing July 6th.

Players are encouraged to organize teams from the  listing for 2024  and nominate teams of 4 or 6 players. Team nominations should be submitted to the Bridge Victoria Match and Tournament Committee via email You may also send any enquiries to this email address.

The submission deadline is 21st March and players are only able to nominate within a single team for the team to be successful in selection. Should there be more than 4 teams nominated then the teams with the highest combined VQP player totals will be invited to participate in the final.

Location - Victorian Bridge Centre


* For teams events Entry fee per player assumes a team of 4. Amounts will differ for teams of 5 or 6.

Event Full entry fee per player Day Time Total entries Action
Teams Semi-Final45 credits* Saturday 05-04-2025 - 9:30am 0 Entries open in 10 daysView Entries
Teams Final45 credits* Sunday 06-04-2025 - 9:30am 0 Entries open in 24 daysView Entries

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