West Australian Bridge Club
7th to 7th April 2024
Organiser: | Martin Doran |
Phone: | 0466 638 055 |
Email: | bridge@wabridgeclub.com.au |
Tournament Director: | Ian Rowlands |
Phone: | 0416 184 052 |
Email: | ian.a.rowlands@gmail.com |
The WABC Masters In Teams of 3
ª For Novice Players (<100MPs at 31 December 2023).
ª Enter a team of three players and get a Master added as your fourth team member.
ª Each player entered will get to play twice with their master. It's an excellent introduction to team bridge
ª Cash Prizes.
Below on MyABF. Note that players need to have registered with MyABF to enter here.
There are also paper entry forms at WABC. Or see Martin. Or ask a Director.
If you have any issues entering or need some help then contact the Organiser or the Tournament Director.
If entries are closed then contact the Organiser or the Tournament Director.
ª Via MyABF Website using a credit/debit card.
ª Cash or credit/debit card on the day
Location - West Australian Bridge Club
The venue has plenty of parking.
Bring your lunch.
Morning & Afternoon Tea provided.
Free tea and coffee throughout.
Snacks at the end of play.
The bar will be open at the end of the day.
Event | Full entry fee per player | Day | Time | Total entries | Action |
Teams of 3 | 30 credits | Sunday | 07-04-2024 - 9:30am & 1:30pm | 14 | Entries closed on Friday 29 Mar 2024View Entries |