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Moonee Valley Bridge Club (MVBC)

5th to 19th March 2024


Organiser: Fraser Thorpe
Chief Tournament Director: Diane Davies


Location - Moonee Valley Bridge Club


Event Full entry fee per player Day Time Total entries Action
Jenny Date Swiss Pairs27 credits Tuesday 05-03-2024 - 1pm 38 Entries closed on Tuesday 27 Feb 2024View Entries
Tuesday 12-03-2024 - 1pm
Tuesday 19-03-2024 - 1pm

2023 Winners: Open: Bob Geyer and George Lovrecz

History: Named in honour of life member Jenny Date who, from her time of first joining in 1979, was instrumental in building the Club through her many roles including directing, teaching and committee member.

Standby Pair Required: If you are able to assist in this regard please contact the Director in person or via the club secretary.

Payment: Only through myABF using Bridge Credits or credit card.  Automatic refunds for cancellations will be provided prior to the close off date of 27/2/2024 in the form of Bridge Credits.

Conditions of Entry – PLEASE READ

•            Substitutes/Withdrawals: Entries are accepted on the understanding that players will continue in an event, except in unforeseen circumstances. If for any reason you are unable to attend the event and it is past the closing date, then it is your responsibility to arrange a substitute and advise the Director. If this is not possible please advise the Director as soon as practicable as withdrawals after the closing date must be authorised by the Director.

•            Late Entries at the discretion of the Director 

•            Director contact may be in person,  phone 0490465897, or through the Club Secretary’s email.

•            Members and non-members may enter, only Moonee Valley members can win the title.

•            System Cards required.

Bank Transfer Details

Moonee Valley Bridge Club Inc

Bendigo Bank

BSB        633 000

Acct.      162 198 956

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