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Kenmore Bridge Club

22nd to 23rd January 2022

Latest News

Kenmore Graded Matchpoint Pairs Congress will now be held on RealBridge on Saturday 22 January.

Entry Fee  now $20 pp. Session link will be emailed to MyABF Registered players on Friday 21 January.

Face to Face Kenmore Congresses have been cancelled due to Covid-19 concerns.  We hope to hold the Teams Congress later in the year.



Mick Fawcett

Phone: 0405 607 280
Chief Tournament Director:Chris Snook


Kenmore Bridge Club

Queensland Bridge Association


Due to the current Covid-19 situation, Kenmore face to face Pairs and Teams Congresses are cancelled.

Kenmore Bridge Club will hold the Pairs Congress on RealBridge on Saturday 22 January. Entry fee $20 per player.  All MyABF registered players will receive an email with the Congress link on Friday 21 January.

KBC is offering free RealBridge sessions at 2.00pm on Sunday 16th and Monday 17th January for all players who would like to practice prior to the Congress.  Further information on Kenmore Bridge Club website Booking Page - scroll down to the relevant session. 

1.  The field shall be seeded by the director and graded into two approximately equal sections. 

2.  At the directors discretion a large field may be divided into three or more approximately equal sections. However contestants may elect to play in the OPEN section.

3.  These are QBA approved Red Masterpoint Congresses conducted under QBA regulations.

4.  Should the field be divided for prize purposes, it shall be based on the Director’s seeding.

5.  Green, Blue and Red systems and Brown Sticker conventions and treatments permitted, except only Green and Blue systems permitted in the lowest grade.

6.  Each player must have a currently approved ABF system card. Players are responsible for ensuring the correctness of their system classification.

7.  RED Masterpoints awarded for each match won or drawn plus outright awards to the top of the field (not guaranteed unless an ABF number is provided).

Location - The Auditorium, Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens


A public car park is available at the main entrance to the Botanical Gardens off Mount Coot-tha Road. Additional parking is available across Mount Coot-tha Road. 

If possible, please car pool.

For public transport options please visit Translink 


BYO Lunch.

Tea, coffee and water will be available along with small pre-packed snacks throughout the day.

Additional Information

1.      Bring your own MASK, FOOD, DRINKS and PEN / PENCIL.

2.     Smoking is not permitted in the Auditorium or within 5 metres of the building entrances.


Event Full entry fee per player Day Time Total entries Action
Kenmore Graded Swiss Pairs20 credits Saturday 22-01-2022 - 9:30am 38 Entries closed on Friday 21 Jan 2022View Entries

1. Due to the current Covid-19 situation, Kenmore face to face Congresses are cancelled. 

Kenmore Bridge Club will hold the Pairs Congress on RealBridge on Saturday 22 January. Entry fee $20 per player.  All MyABF registered players will receive an email with the Congress link on Friday 21 January.

KBC is offering free RealBridge sessions at 2.00pm on Sunday 16th and Monday 17th January for all players who would like to practice prior to the Congress.  Further information on Kenmore Bridge Club website Booking Page - scroll down to the relevant session. 

 Entry conditions maybe subject to change, which may include cancellation of the event.

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