Teams Championship - Restricted (Under 300 MPs)

Gold Coast Congress 2024 - 62nd

20th to 22nd February 2024 - 10am Start

86 entries

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Entry Status Category
KING - michael king, Jan Harris, Janine Rodgers, Richard Wix Complete Mixed
MROCZEK - Carolyn Mroczek, Chris Mroczek, Jill Knight, Patricia Draper Complete Mixed
KRAWCZYK - Ada Krawczyk, Michael Clibbon, Adele Munro, Margaret Morgan Complete Mixed
PAPPAS - Speros Pappas, Andrea Pappas, Daphne Young, Sheila Parsons Complete Mixed
ANDERSON - Nola Anderson, Diane Smith, Jennifer Simpson, Wilma Coloper Complete Same Sex
EDWARDS - Megan Edwards, Michelle George, Meredith Coleman, Carolyn Toh Complete Same Sex
HAMPTON - Jo Hampton, Caroline Caseley, Megan Eddy, Bridget Willcox Complete Same Sex
HOLLINGWORTH - Dean Hollingworth, Rudolf Meyer, Tertia Brink, Lesley Wilson Complete Mixed
BONIC - Claire Bonic, Cathie Oppenheim, Ruth Fingret, Michael Jackson Complete Mixed
DEMPSTER - Lyn Dempster, Barbara Howard, Jane Gryg, Melissa Pressley Complete Queensland
NEARY - Jo Neary, Wendy Casey, Jeffrey Borg, Olivia Jackson Complete Queensland
BURLEY - Julie Burley, Sonya McLennan, Anne Kelly, Barbara Backshall Complete Same Sex
THERIAULT - Joann Theriault, Brenda Campbell, Sandra Veling, Eve Clarkson Complete Same Sex
JADACH - Anna Jadach, Warwick Newton, Susan Smith, Dianne Musgrave Complete Queensland
YORK - Heather York, Dianne Hinde, Jennifer Woodhouse, Greg Brackenreg Complete Mixed
CARTER - Jane Carter, Baiba Mikelsons, Heather Andrews, Edna Brown, Peggy Potts Complete Same Sex
MCKENZIE - Teena McKenzie, Patricia Howes, Glenda Sayers, Daniela Shannon Complete Same Sex
CLARKE - Tony Clarke, Hellen Clarke, Suzanne Wilson, Peter Wilson Complete Mixed
BICKFORD - Anthea Bickford, Samantha Ballantyne, Robin Hunter, Jane Williams Complete Same Sex
FRIDELL - Marianne Fridell, Sharon Landers, Lyn Mayer, Margaret Carlton Complete Same Sex
HOOPER - Peter Hooper, Susie Herring, Rachel Price, Michelle Porter Complete Queensland
HONE - Elizabeth Hone, Jann Macintosh, Prue Hardy, Margie McNicoll Complete Same Sex
MERCARGEOSAL - Sally Clarke, Georgie Gall, Alexandra Richardson, Caroline Wilson, TBA Complete Same Sex
DAY - Lindell Day, Mary Ditton, Carolyn Waters, Sew Yap-Giles Complete Queensland
BRIDGMAN - Ian van Altena, Howard Bridgman, John Waudby, June Waudby Complete Mixed
PARKINS - Andrea Parkins, Catherine Flowers, Alan Anderson, Greg Kerswell Complete Queensland
LOVE - Barbara Love, Judy Hapeta, Sandra Hilton, Glenys Tipler Complete Same Sex
ROGERS - Robyn Rogers, Heather Broatch, Margaret Vaughan, David Bonsey Complete Mixed
JONES - Dorothy Jones, David Chatman, Yulia Koh, Manuela Steinbrecher Complete Mixed
HANLON - Jayne Hanlon, Sue Michelmore, Petille von Bibra, Vicki Vann Complete Same Sex
SKARUPSKY - Sue Skarupsky, Sue Hunt, Marilyn Kennedy, Anna Chappell Complete Same Sex
CALDWELL - Julia Caldwell, David Reid, Joanne McCarthy, Kerry Rutter Complete Mixed
MATTERSON - Betty Lyon, Barbara Matterson, Helen Wright, Patricia Neilson Complete Same Sex
RUSSELL - Emma Russell, Birgit Cameron, ROCHELLE VAN HEUVEN, Tim Rigter Complete Mixed
SINGER - Stephen Singer, Peter Jaffe, Judy Gold, Marina Green Complete Mixed
SCOTT - Julie Scott, Elizabeth Van Vugt, Eugenie Mooney, Anna irminger Complete Queensland
ELDRIDGE - Robert Eldridge, Jennifer McDowell, Ken Jones, LORRAINE BRYANT Complete Mixed
DACEY - Vivienne Dacey, Linda Shelton, Anita Spurling, Karyn Pert Complete Same Sex
SPICE - Midge Spice, Lynda Bennion, Melva Leal, Robyn Church Complete Same Sex
IRLICHT - Sari Irlicht, Allan Leiba, Judy Leiba, Robyn Lichter Complete Queensland
BARNS - Kerry Barns, Julie Coates, Rosemary Porter, Rex Meadowcroft Complete Mixed
CLARKE - Cathy Clarke, Upasana Shanti, Tony Georgeson, Tina Hesketh Complete Mixed
OLANDER - Robert Olander, Elizabeth Hemphill, William Webster, Janet Flanigan Complete Queensland
BIDDICK - Jennifer Clarebrough, Debbie Kennedy, Kenneth Biddick, Helen Nicholson Complete Mixed
GLYDE - Chris Glyde, Maria Casci, Kevin Griffin, Caroline Griffin Complete Mixed
DAWSON - Robyn Dawson, Pam McAllister, Janelle Crawley, Norman Shipley Complete Mixed
HENRY - Marge Henry, Jane Tagney, David Sydes, TBA Complete Mixed
MOSS - Elizabeth Moss, Gwen Riordan, Kevin Riordan, Valerie Cook Complete Mixed
GILMOUR - Mel Gilmour, Ruth Hoffensetz, Sue Noble, Irene Allpass Complete Queensland
WHITE - Linda White, Viv Hurst, Judy Parkinson, Juliet Davanney Complete Same Sex
PHILLIPPO - Gill Phillippo, Peter Munro, Stephen Cheshire, Jamshid Vazirzadeh Complete Mixed
SMITH - Ann Smith, Robyn Green, Gill Kommeren, Carol Edwards Complete Same Sex
DEAGUE - Kristene Deague, Vikki Peters, Yvonne Goldbloom, Pauline Wrobel Complete Same Sex
SIMS - Tina Sims, Margaret Fraser, Marion Coburn, Charmaine Hanbury-Webber Complete Same Sex
KNIGHT - Rebecca Knight, Naureen Gearon, Kathy Duke, Shannon Queree Complete Same Sex
WAWN - Brian Wawn, Sue Kinnear, Lou Innes, Shelley Shergold Complete Mixed
CAMPI - Drew Campi, Moira Smith, Gary Petterson, Carmel Dwan Complete Mixed
SHUTTLEWOOD - Lorna Shuttlewood, Susan Wright, Karin Le Roux, Ian Morison Complete Mixed
MARTIN - Cheryl Martin, Robyn Chippindall, Carolyn Blyth, Greg Holburt Complete Queensland
LEE - Linda Lee, Greg Dobson, Siobhan Davies, Bob Davies Complete Mixed
TOZER - Jackie Tozer, Jill Rankine, Judy Wallace, Lily Manlapig Complete Same Sex
MCCONAGHY - Deryl McConaghy, Val Saunders, Annette Ryan, Anne Cosgrave, Ian Murphy Complete Queensland
SHARP - Cynthia Sharp, Carol Bellis, Elizabeth Milne, Derry Houston Complete Same Sex
HALL - Sally Hall, Annette Hogan, Andrew Sharp, Susan Sharp Complete Queensland
STEVENS - Robyn Stevens, Angela Lawson, Anne Tonna, Rosemary Thomson Complete Same Sex
UP THE T ARS - Alan Mace, Victor Kooter, Joy Williams, Guy Kalma Complete Mixed
HARRIES - Sherril Harries, Dorothy McDonald, Libby Heyward, Bev Daniel Complete Same Sex
SHANNAHAN - Craig Shannahan, Sue Solomons, Yasmina Ward, David Paul Complete Mixed
KINROSS - Jan Kinross, Rosemary Floquet, Julie Clark, Julie Roberts Complete Same Sex
SIGNAL - Angela Signal, Margaret Wilson, David Scarborough, Peter Lyons Complete Mixed
MURRAY - Lesley Murray, Anthony Smuts, Gail McKenzie, Lisa Rush Complete Mixed
CATHCART - Sachiko Cathcart, Trish Berry, Susan Jensen, Lidy Seysener Complete Same Sex
MANNING - Sandrine Manning, Camilla Nicholson, Judith Foreman, John Royle Complete Mixed
YUILL - Peter Yuill, Shayne Wurf, Pam Ward, Phillip Douglas Complete Mixed
DALLAS - Nichola Dallas, Anna Powell, Susan Macken, Jody Burchall Complete Queensland
FITZGERALD - Barbara Fitzgerald, Rosaleen Koch, Giles Martin, Vincia Martin Complete Mixed
IRELAND - Grace Ireland, Ruth Sargent, Janice Clark, Beryl McKay Complete Queensland
HARTLEY - Kate Hartley, Ruth Hemmerling, William Morgan, Peter Wilson Complete Mixed
TIPLADY - Matthew Tiplady, Michael Mandeltort, Pamela Jensen, Jude Wood Complete Mixed
COTTERILL - Mary Cotterill, Lynn Dickson, Sonia Roulston, Sally Irwin Complete Same Sex
CUMMING - David Cumming, Mike Morrissey, Harry Blamires, Jenny Donoghue Complete Same Sex
DUDUROVIC - Jacqueline Dudurovic, Robyn Wells, Helen Baran, Althea Crowley Complete Same Sex
HUBBARD - Tammy Hubbard, Louise Russell, Patricia McCarthy, Rose Price Complete Same Sex
MURRAY - Vivienne Murray, Trish Clearwater, Alan France, Jan France Complete Mixed
BUNTING - Susan Bunting, Jane Brougham, Hayley Mitchell, Elizabeth Gillies Complete Same Sex
THORNE - Joan Mladen, Dimity Burke, Jennifer Finigan, Rodney Christensen Complete Mixed