National Senior Teams

Summer Festival of Bridge 2023

10th to 12th January 2023 - 9:45am Start

22 entries out of a maximum of 60

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Entry Status
GRANT - Peter Grant, Pam Crichton, Julia Hoffman, Christopher Quail Complete
WATSON - Alan Watson, Peter Fordham, Bruce Neill, Rick Roeder Complete
KAHLER - Adrienne Stephens, Peter Kahler, Janet Kahler, Peter Quach Complete
HOFFMAN - David Hoffman, Richard Brightling, Therese Tully, Richard Ward Complete
BLOOM - Martin Bloom, George Bilski, Liz Adams, Peter Gill Complete
MORGAN-KING - Pam Morgan-King, Andrew Eddie, Therese Demarco, Kevin Lange, Gordon Henderson Complete
EWART - Chris Hughes, Kim Morrison, Neil Ewart, Ian Robinson Complete
RISZKO - Nikki Riszko, Jeanette Grahame, Andrew Struik, Brian Thorp, Lesley Gunson, Keith Mitchell Complete
BBLLKK - Robert Krochmalik, Paul Lavings, Gabi Lorentz, Stephen Burgess, Avinash Kanetkar, David Beauchamp Complete
GALLUS - Robert Gallus, Stephen Weisz, Dee Harley, Phillip Fent Complete
GUE - George Kozakos, Phil Gue, Pauline Gumby, Warren Lazer, Ron Cooper, Jonathan Free Complete
PHILLIPS - Patricia Phillips, Eric Lindh, John McIlrath, Patricia Grigson Complete
VAN VUCHT - Niek Van Vucht, Bruce Crossman, Graham Wakefield, Bev Crossman Complete
LISLE - Ian Lisle, Vicky Lisle, Ian McKinnon, Virginia Dressler, Kaye Hart, Jeff Carberry Complete
ASKEW - Marjorie Askew, Bill Powell, Clive Klugman, Gary Lynn Complete
MALUISH - Annette Maluish, Andrew Mill, Jeannette Collins, Margaret Yuill Complete
FINIKIOTIS - George Finikiotis, Leo Goorevich, Kevin Davies, Elli Urbach Complete
HAMILTON - Alan Hamilton, June Glenn, Bill Tutty, Paul Nelson Complete
HUTTON - Anthony Hutton, Malcolm Carter, Bernard Waters, Michael Cullen Complete
BUCHEN - Peter Buchen, George Smolanko, Andrew Braithwaite, Arjuna de Livera, Terry Brown, Michael Courtney Complete
EMUL - Cevat Emul, Steven Bock, Bob Sebesfi, Richard Douglas Complete
MYERS - Axel Johannsson, Barry Myers, Ron Klinger, Jon Hunt, TBA Complete