Teams Championship - Novice (Under 100 MPs)

Gold Coast Congress 2023 - 61st

21st to 23rd February 2023 - 10am Start

24 entries out of a maximum of 24

Enter   Congress Details
Entry Status Category
STOCKLEY - Julie Stockley, Wendy Crombie, Susie Thomson, Janet Warby Complete Same Sex
BURLEY - Julie Burley, Sonya McLennan, Anne Kelly, Barbara Backshall Complete Same Sex
CLARKEY - Sally Clarke, Georgie Gall, Merrie Beasley, Caroline Wilson Complete Same Sex
FRIEDLAENDER - Leo Friedlaender, Francine Ben-David, Annie Rose, Andrew Lazar Complete Mixed
NIELSEN - Eileen Nielsen, Joanne McCarthy, June Drysdale, Kerry Rutter Complete Same Sex
MCINTOSH - Fiona McIntosh, Patricia McCarthy, Linda Stevenson, Robyn Hepburn Complete Same Sex
THOMPSON - Jenny Thompson, Carol Findlay, Louise Purdie, Kris Sullivan Complete Same Sex
LINDSAY - Heather Lindsay, Disa Hallett, Margaret Costello, Mary Dwyer Complete Same Sex
SMITH - Paul Smith, Salisa Smith, Astrid Korfgen, Julie-Ann Bradwyn Complete Mixed
HARTMANN - Kathy Hartmann, Anna Muller, Julie Randall, Pauline McEntee Complete Same Sex
CARTER - Barbara Carter, Faye Norton-Old, Pauline Wrobel, Yvonne Goldbloom Complete Same Sex
LEE - Jacinta Lee, Debbie Carroll, Stephen Bennett, Louise Bennett Complete Mixed
JACKSON - Olivia Jackson, Mervyn Parmenter, Jeanette Mutzelburg, Janet Easton Complete Mixed
MANLAPIG - Lily Manlapig, Elizabeth Hemphill, Robert Olander, William Webster Complete Mixed
OPRYSA - Anna Oprysa, Anna de Borah, Lois Munro, Sandra Aring Complete Same Sex
BARRETT - Paul Barrett, Carmel Barrett, Beverley McCasker, Ross McCasker Complete Mixed
DEAGUE - Kristene Deague, Vikki Peters, Felicity Nettlefold, Lisa Macciolli Complete Same Sex
ROBSON - Edward Robson, Anne Dennis, Dina Charpentier, Helen Cvjetan Complete Mixed
MORRIS - Sandra Morris, Anne Lynch, Ted Cullinan, Geoffery Cowan Complete Mixed
CROWLEY - Althea Crowley, Persephone Lobb, David Chatman, Dorothy Jones Complete Mixed
DUDUROVIC - Jacqueline Dudurovic, Faye Fatseas, Robyn Wells, Helen Baran, Katie Cavdarski, Margot Blue Complete Same Sex
ACES - Kathy Van Geest, Leonie Swann, Peter James, Mary Ann James Complete Mixed
EDWARDS - Megan Edwards, Michelle George, Elizabeth Ward, David Ward Complete Mixed
PEATTIE - Heather Peattie, Anne Welsh, Teresa Robertson, Lynette Rose, Helen Ross-Johnson, Peter Uldrich Complete Mixed