Teams Championship - Open

Gold Coast Congress 2025 - 63rd

4th to 6th February 2025 - 10am Start

156 entries out of a maximum of 182

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Entry Status Category
HANSON - Alison Hanson, Marion Lomax, Rex Hanson, Judy Herring Complete Mixed
SISTERS INC - Judith Tobin, Ruth Tobin, Julia Hoffman, Pam Crichton Complete Same Sex
NEUMANN - Dagmar Neumann, Jodi Tutty, Carola Hoogervorst, Andre Korenhof Complete Mixed
WATSON - Bruce Neill, Alan Watson, Pauline Gumby, Warren Lazer Complete Mixed
LEIVERS - Christine Leivers, Ernest Scott, Trevor Fletcher, Dot Piddington Complete Mixed
SMYTH - Bob Cox, Sue La Peyre, Felicity Smyth, Jeff Travis Complete Mixed
PERRIN - Murray Perrin, Gabrielle Elich, Mavis Simpson, Denise Hartwig Complete Mixed
WHITING - Geoff Whiting, Sally Murray-White, Paul Hill, Janet Hill Complete Mixed
HYLAND - Annette Hyland, Peter Stride, Amber Noonan, Doug Byrnes Complete Mixed
WANIGARATNE - Abigail Wanigaratne, Carmel Martin, John Kelly, Peter Nilsson Complete Queensland
BEAUCHAMP - David Beauchamp, Avinash Kanetkar, George Kozakos, Fraser Rew, Maurits van der Vlugt Complete Same Sex
WATTS - Marlene Watts, Michael Prescott, Hugh Grosvenor, Susan Crompton Complete Mixed
GOSNEY - Gregory Gosney, Margaret Plunkett, Jack Rohde, Lex Ranke Complete Queensland
BOGATIE - Merle Bogatie, Rita Kahn, Jan Hackett, Tom Hackett Complete Mixed
MOREN - Magnus Moren, Neville Francis, Ralph Parker, Sanmugarasa Kamalarasa Complete Same Sex
SMITH - Paul Smith, Winston Guymer, Janet Brown, Anthony Abbott Complete Mixed
FOX - Richard Fox, Raelene Clark, Janeen SOLOMON, Maha Hoenig Complete Queensland
MCLEISH - Paula McLeish, David McLeish, Moss Wylie, Jack James Complete Mixed
WARE - Matthew Thomson, Hugh McGann, Michael Ware, Peter Hollands, Jamie Thompson, Robert Fruewirth Complete Same Sex
MANGOS - Theo Mangos, Leigh Foran, Eddie Mullin, Dianne Mullin Complete Mixed
FINIKIOTIS - George Finikiotis, Maggie Klassen, Elizabeth Fanos, Linda Aubusson Complete Mixed
APPLETON - David Appleton, Philip Markey, Stephen Castellino, Joachim Haffer Complete Same Sex
KISTA - Ashantha De Mel, Krishnan Ramaratnam, Liz Adams, Peter Gill Complete Mixed
SHARP - Danny Sharp, David Roseman, Jeff Fust, Andrew Macready-Bryan Complete Same Sex
HODGE - Garry Hodge, Anita Thirtle, Dorothy Mackay, Marilyn Miller Complete New Zealand
DALLEY - Paul Dalley, Tony Nunn, Arlene Dalley, Ashley Bach, Kieran Dyke Complete Mixed
CLARKE - Adel Abdelhamid, Bob Clarke, Milton Hart, Moira Smith Complete Mixed
GOODMAN - Meta Goodman, Wynne Webber, Julia Leung, Colette Castellino Complete Same Sex
HAMILTON - Alan Hamilton, June Glenn, Val Roland, Michael Stoneman Complete Mixed
BROOKES - Peter Busch, Adrienne Kelly, Stephen Brookes, Verna Brookes, Jim Martin, Lyn Martin Complete Queensland
STERN - David Stern, Robert Grynberg, Richard Douglas, Bob Sebesfi, Barry Rigal, Rodrigo Garcia Da Rosa Complete Same Sex
CARDINAL - Sherrell Cardinal, Alan Gibson, Rob Hoare, Edward and Frances Wall, Peter Lang Complete Queensland
DEWAR - Karen Dewar, Adrian Fontes, George Topfner, Zenon Olszewski Complete Mixed
V8MAMA - Vanessa Brown, Helena Canaris, Liam Minogue, Zara Chowdhury, Kai Eckert, Drew Cavalier Complete Mixed
VAN VUCHT - Niek Van Vucht, Graham Wakefield, Vicky Lisle, Ian Lisle Complete Mixed
KEENAN - Denise Keenan, Lillian Sealy, Marion Spurrier, Jan Tunks Complete Same Sex
SPOONER - Andrew Spooner, Matt Mullamphy, William Jenner-O'Shea, Mike Doecke Complete Same Sex
RADKE - Michelle Radke, Bronwyn Macleod, Connie Schoutrop, Ewa Kowalczyk Complete Same Sex
NORMAN - Linda Norman, Erin Waterhouse, Janet Rowlatt, frances Garrick Complete Same Sex
DUNDAS - Alan Dundas, Florence Maltby, Josephine Dundas, Maureen Knight Complete Mixed
FISHER - Blair Fisher, Elizabeth Fisher, Steve Boughey, Carol Richardson, Andi Boughey Complete New Zealand
BLOOM - Martin Bloom, Nigel Rosendorff, Shelley Burns, Kelvin Raywood Complete Mixed
HUNT - Sheila Bird, Jon Hunt, Susan Emerson, attilio deluca Complete Mixed
KUMAR - Rakesh Kumar, Jake Andrew, Liz Hurley, Stephen Hurley Complete Mixed
MOORE - Pam Moore, Ian Moore, Allan Morris, Beverley Morris Complete New Zealand
JACOB - Ella Jacob, Glenn Coutts, Tom Jacob, Stephanie Jacob Complete Mixed
STACEY - Adam Rutkowski, Judy Marks, Beverley Stacey, John Stacey Complete Mixed
RICHMAN - Sandra Richman, Andrew Richman, Jill Magee, Terry Strong Complete Mixed
ALLEN - Tony Allen, Kelela Allen, Susan Capp, Dennis Raymond Complete Mixed
REGAN - Margaret Regan, Wendy Mitchell, Dasha Brandt, David Bowerman Complete Mixed
VARGA - Sandor Varga, George Campbell, Chris Watson, Shirley Watson Complete Mixed
HUTTON - Anthony Hutton, Malcolm Carter, Kim Morrison, Chris Hughes Complete Same Sex
WEBB - Gayle Webb, Colin Webb, Mary Tough, Chris Tough Complete Mixed
STRASSER - Nicole Strasser, George Bilski, Peter Strasser, Terry Brown Complete Mixed
PERLEY - Margaret Perley, Paul Freeland, Sandra Coleman, Liz Burrows Complete Mixed
NAGY - David Smith, Neil Ewart, Zolly Nagy, Russel Harms Complete Same Sex
CURRIE - Ken Dawson, Andrew Slater, Alan Currie, Bruce Inglis Complete Same Sex
DAVIDSON - John Davidson, George Masters, Brad Johnston, Lydia Turley, Sam Coutts Complete New Zealand
BONNICK - Les Bonnick, Audrey Bonnick, Tom Strong, Edda Strong Complete Mixed
ADLER - Will Adler, John Luoni, Debbie McLeod, Brian Cleaver Complete Mixed
BUCHEN - Peter Buchen, George Smolanko, Rick Roeder, Richard Popper Complete Same Sex
GONTHIER - Gillian Gonthier, Kim Gilkison, Graham Gilkison, Reeve Pring Complete New Zealand
HOMIK - Krystyna Homik, Frank Hymus, Sue Spurway, Fiona Law Complete Queensland
WALTERS - Lynne Geursen, Trevor Robb, Patsy Walters, Lee Walters Complete New Zealand
FITZSIMONS - Brian Fitzsimons, Mairi Fitzsimons, Chris Overton, Angela Overton Complete Mixed
HOFFMAN - David Hoffman, Richard Brightling, Tom Kiss, Alasdair Beck Complete Same Sex
ASKEW - Marjorie Askew, Bill Powell, Gary Lynn, Clive Klugman Complete Mixed
TRUSCOTT - Nick Truscott, Maggie Truscott, Andrew Hill, David Shilling Complete Mixed
STR8OUTTA YOUTH - Mitch Dowling, Alex Phillips, Damon Flicker, Jeremy Fraser-Hoskin Complete Same Sex
COLEMAN - Ann Mellings, Pamela Hawkins, Sue Coleman, Adam Robinson Complete Mixed
HOFF - Jenny Hoff, KAY LEETON, Annette Rose, Helen Stewart Complete Same Sex
SOLOMON - Richard Solomon, Anna Kalma, Yuzhong Chen, gerhard foidl Complete New Zealand
DAWSON - Jane Dawson, Matt Smith, Susan Humphries, Andrew Peake, Wallace Ashton Complete Mixed
SOUTHEN - Ian Southen, Kelvin Tibble, Sue Southen, Pam Tibble Complete New Zealand
PUGSLEY - PAUL PUGSLEY, Stephen Robinson, Ze Ying Lam, David Vidaver Complete Mixed
DIBLEY - Chris Dibley, Michael Simes, Paul McGrath, Wayne Smith Complete Same Sex
HOUGHTON - Wayne Houghton, Christine Houghton, Kevin Tant, Lauri Perino Complete Mixed
CROSSMAN - Rowan Corbett, Jacqueline Adcock, Bev Crossman, Bruce Crossman Complete Mixed
GREGORY - Michael Johnstone, Paula Gregory, Greg Buzzard, Harry Shepherd Complete New Zealand
WALDVOGEL - Joan Waldvogel, Joan McCarthy, Gail Tippett, Paul Maxwell Complete New Zealand
SUN - George Sun, Alice Young, William liu, John Wang Complete New Zealand
BALJET - Marcel Hoevenaars, Machteld Baljet, Nikki Riszko, Andrew Struik Complete Mixed
SEAL - Hayden Seal, Jan Davis, Julie Haslett, Trish Patterson Complete New Zealand
KAPLAN - Brenda Kaplan, Helene Jacobson, Louise Leibowitz, Tessa Rohald Complete Same Sex
WILSON - Deana Wilson, Dianne Dwyer, Pim Birss, Alan Cransberg Complete Mixed
NOLAN - Rosemary Glastonbury, Robyn Nolan, Di Jones, Janelle Kipping Complete Queensland
BRASSIL - Louise Brassil, Michael Brassil, Karen Creet, Andrew Creet Complete Mixed
MILNER - Sandra Milner, Robyn Noach, Jacob Tarszisz, Aidan Dorrell Complete Mixed
SYLVESTER - Elisabeth Sylvester, Robbie Feyder, Elli Urbach, Richard Wallis Complete Mixed
BERRINGTON - Ian Berrington, Fuxia Wen, Murat Genc, Anne Somerville, Graeme Tuffnell Complete New Zealand
QUAYLE - John Quayle, Matti Shub, Phyllis Moritz, Len Meyer Complete Mixed
LOWRY - Helen Lowry, Jane Beeby, Ellie Fitz-Gerald, Jim Fitz-Gerald Complete Mixed
ABRAMS - Jeanette Abrams, Margaret Gidley-Baird, George Fleischer, Donald Cartwright Complete Mixed
BODYCOTE - Terry Bodycote, Paul Weaver, Di Coats, Jan Clarke Complete Mixed
LUCK - John Luck, Ivy Luck, Paul Collins, Sue O'Brien, ian afflick, Margaret Millar Complete Queensland
BEATTIE - Pat Beattie, Jenny Michael, Alan Race, Beverley Welch Complete Queensland
CLIFFORD - Kathleen Clifford, Edward Levy, Tere Wotherspoon, Siegfried Konig Complete Mixed
BROWN - Hamish Brown, Johanna Perfect, Pamela Lidl, Jane Routley Complete Mixed
BERGER - Eva Berger, Tony Berger, Kevin Steffensen, Carolyn Miller Complete Queensland
CARTER - Lyn Carter, Greer Tucker, Kim Frazer, Thilak Ranasinghe Complete Mixed
WARD - Frances Lyons, Robert Ward, Errol Miller, Tamara Cutcliffe Complete Mixed
EVANS - James Evans, Pamela Evans, Kerry Wood, Charles Howard Complete Queensland
BUGEIA - Noel Bugeia, Val Holbrook, Terrence Sheedy, Janelle Conroy Complete Queensland
LEE - Alison Dawson, Dianne Marler, Greg Lee, Joyanne Gissing Complete Mixed
PALMER - Barry Palmer, Neil Stuckey, Glenis Palmer, Christine Wilson Complete New Zealand
CALLANDER - Maggie Callander, Penny Corrigan, Steven White, Chelliah Arul Complete Mixed
NASH - James Wallis, Bill Nash, Peter Watson, Julia Watson Complete Mixed
SHARON - bruce tier, Ian Price, Sharon Mayo, Sally Clarke Complete Mixed
MILNE - Liam Milne, James Coutts, Gray McMullin, Xiaojing Deng Complete Mixed
MOSES - Larry Moses, Ron Clark, Patrick Bugler, Brian Patterson Complete Queensland
AJZNER - Les Ajzner, Debbie Kras, Harry Procel, Stan Rosenthal Complete Mixed
KRON - Paul Kron, Arnold Shmerling, Michael Dorevitch, Mark Igel Complete Same Sex
WILKS - Ken Wilks, Rosalie Broughton, David Tucker, Sarah Strickland Complete Mixed
BECKMAN - Sue Beckman, Lindsay Young, Denise Donald, Karen Thompson, Colin Shugg Complete Mixed
THOMSON - Ian Thomson, Tony Leibowitz, Marianne Bookallil, Stephen Fischer Complete Mixed
DUTTON - Paul Hooykaas, Therese Tully, Nigel Dutton, Marie-France Merven Complete Mixed
ZENG - Shi Zeng, Herman Yuan, Charlie LU, Martin Qin Complete Same Sex
PRINCE - BOB Prince, Wendy Driscoll, Cassie Morin, Valerie Isle Complete Mixed
CARRYER - Colin Carryer, Sandra Calvert, Rochelle Pelkman, Murray Wood Complete Mixed
FOSTER - Julian Foster, David Weston, David Fryda, David Hudson Complete Same Sex
MATTHEWS - David Matthews, Chris Ingham, Geoff Holman, Tracy Kudelka Complete Mixed
JONES - Barry Jones, Julie Atkinson, Jenny Millington, Patrick Carter Complete New Zealand
DORMER - Jan Ashwell, Alan Dormer, Wayne Gyde, Susan Stephens Complete New Zealand
RAWICKI - Barry Rawicki, Simon Rose, Ben Kingham, Sylvia Schwarcz Complete Mixed
CHINA GXZY - Hong Huang, Guanghua Li, Jian Hou, Jun Liu, Jianyong You, Gang Shen Complete Same Sex
COX - Peter Cox, Paul Lavings, Elizabeth Havas, Peter Reynolds, Vivienne Goldberg, Alex Smirnov Complete Mixed
KAPTEIN - Mark Kaptein, Mariken Schoenmakers, Trevor Fuller, Nick Cantatore Complete Mixed
MICHELSON - Ian Michelson, Deborah McLay, Denis Kristanda, Manda Labuschagne Complete Mixed
LEWIN - Greg Lewin, Jan van Riel, Jane Rennie, Allison Stralow, Belinda Lindsay Complete Mixed
BURKE - Phil Gue, anthony burke, Sue Ingham, Michael Courtney Complete Mixed
BURGESS - Stephen Burgess, Bernard Waters, Pamela Nisbet, Anne-Marie Russell Complete Mixed
MEIER - Leon Meier, Geo Tislevoll, Sophie Ashton, David Wiltshire Complete Mixed
BRAKE - Jessica Brake, Shane Harrison, Andy Hung, Matthew Brown, Adam Kaplan Complete Mixed
GEYER - Bob Geyer, George Lovrecz, Gulzar Bilal, Leo Saoud Complete Same Sex
ST CLAIR - Dee Harley, Anna St Clair, Phillip Fent, Mindy Wu Complete Mixed
LEI - Jun Lei, Jeter Liu, Eileen Li, Zhengrong Xu Complete Mixed
WATKINS - Heath Watkins, Declan Gould, Carolyn O'Donnell, Diana Smart Complete Mixed
BEDI - Kuldip Bedi, Helen Milward, Elaine Ford, Carol De Luca Complete Mixed
COOPER - Deborah Cooper, Kate Ramsay, Nikolas Moore, Rachel Langdon, TIM RUNTING, Jeremy Lin Complete Mixed
MCALISTER - Diana McAlister, Hugh McAlister, Jan Smith, Leigh Owens Complete Mixed
GRIFFIN - Joan Butts, Ted Griffin, Michael Yuen, Kismet Fung Complete Mixed
DUNBAR DUNGOOD - Nico Ranson, Jarrad Dunbar, John McMahon, Charles McMahon Complete Same Sex
DACEY - Vivienne Dacey, George Gaspar, Robyn O'Dell, Nadya Tuxworth Complete Mixed
SPENCER - Sue Spencer, David Spencer, Ella Gray, Marie Milsum Complete Mixed
MALUISH - Annette Maluish, Laura Ginnan, Denny Newland, Stephen Lester Complete Mixed
MCKINNON - Ian McKinnon, Virginia Dressler, judith mott, David Currie, Eva Caplan, Jenny Thompson Complete Mixed
RUSHER - Graham Rusher, Jane Rasmussen, Kitty Muntz, Kate Terry Complete Mixed
WESTRN WARRIORS - Gwyneira Brahma, Dave Munro, Cynthia Belonogoff, Joyce OBrien Complete Mixed
BOLT - Bastiaan Bolt, Robert Hurst, Bijan Assaee, Dominic Kwok Complete Same Sex
0SM0 - Brenda Pugsley, Mary Ose, Carrie Touslee, Yolande Coroneo Complete Same Sex
MORGAN - Lauren Morgan, Paddy Taylor, Alex Goss, Stephen Williams, Renee Cooper Complete Mixed
WATKINSON - Terence ODempsey, Joy Watkinson, Jill Church, Rhondda Sweetman Complete Same Sex
LUSK - Susan Lusk, Therese Demarco, David Parrott, Chris Vinall, Karen McCallum, Axel Johannsson Complete Mixed
MORGAN-KING - Viv Wood, Pam Morgan-King, Anita Curtis, Andrew Eddie Complete Mixed
LEITCH - Christine Chandler, James Leitch, Pravin Nahar, Geoffrey Thomas Complete Mixed
GEARING - Michael Gearing, Fred Whitaker, Pele Rankin, Kate Macdonald Complete Queensland