Travelrite International Swiss Teams - SUNDAY

Waverley Super Congress

27th October 2024 - 10am Start

7 entries out of a maximum of 47

Enter   Congress Details
Entry Status
YOUNG - Lindsay Young, Chris Fernando, Alison Farthing, Peter Lardy Complete
PETRIE - Marian Obenchain, Richard Finlayson, Michael Petrie, Brian Ulyatt Complete
OZENIR - Serhat Ozenir, Chen Ding, Thilak Ranasinghe, Gordon McRobert Pending
LEACH - Christopher Leach, Michael Phillips, John Adams, Steven White Pending
NUNNUNGELL - Philip Young, Lynda Young, Hannah O'Donnell, TBA In Cart
LEGGE - Tim Legge, Alex Jones, Andrzej Krolikowski, Christy Geromboux In Cart
FINKELSTEIN - John Finkelstein, Alkmini Segal, TBA , TBA In Cart