Spring Swiss Pairs

TBA Spring Swiss Pairs 2022

2nd October 2022 - 9:30am Start

24 entries out of a maximum of 46

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Ruth Nogajski, Henry Nogajski Complete
Judy Keating, Di Fincke Complete
Julie Rhodes, Leigh Blizzard Complete
Alaine MacMorran, Fiona Hickey Complete
Phil Timmins, bal krishan Complete
John Grosvenor, Mardi Grosvenor Complete
Katherine Marsden, David Shaw Complete
Judith Hooley, Roger Hooley Complete
Ann Gee, Edward Gee Complete
Barbara Holland, Maruta Boyd Complete
Maria Gibbs, Julia Corr Complete
Pam Murphy, Barbara Giizel Complete
Beryl Gelling, ANNETTE BILLS Complete
Elizabeth Sellen, Clive Sellen Complete
Tony Allingham, Susan Allingham Complete
Malcolm Sherlock, Patricia Colles Complete
Joy Stoddart, Ann Druett Complete
Ian Bailey, Paul Fredheim Complete
Victoria Vyvyan, Anne McEntee Complete
Sue Hunter, Marleen Lynch Complete
Bill Handbury, Clare Handbury Complete
Rex Calvert, Nola Calvert Complete
Marg Enright, Kevin Wheelahan Complete
Cheryl Cooper, Laura Bauermeister Complete