Tasmanian Swiss Teams

Tasmanian Swiss Teams Championship 2021

29th to 30th May 2021 - 10:30am Start

This event starts at different times on subsequent days

Date Start Time
Saturday 29th May 2021 10:30am
Sunday 30th May 2021 9:30am

11 entries out of a maximum of 18

Enter   Congress Details
Entry Status
Andrew Richman, Sandra Richman, John Bailey, Hilton Francis Complete
Pam Murphy, Barbara Giizel, Richard Cooke, Bob Patterson Complete
Catherine Wyllie, David Wyllie, Felicity Wivell, Roger Swain Complete
Maria Gibbs, Julia Corr, TBA , Merryl Darby Pending
Fiona Hickey, Alaine MacMorran, Judy Mann, Jane Routley Complete
Joanna Beck, Marg Enright, John Grosvenor, Mardi Grosvenor Complete
Margaret Gibbs, Julie Rhodes, Phil Beck, David Robinson Complete
Maruta Boyd, Barbara Holland, Darryl Smith, David Brooks Complete
Malcolm Sherlock, TBA , TBA , TBA Complete
Simon Edler, Jane Edler, Martin George, Frank Milford Complete
Lynne Cooke, TBA , TBA , TBA Complete