Hervey Bay Cross Imp Pairs Congress

Hervey Bay Bridge Club Spring Congress

26th October 2024 - 9:30am Start

21 entries out of a maximum of 40

Enter   Congress Details
Entry Status
BUSCH - Peter Busch, Jim Martin Complete
SHARP - Andrew Sharp, Susan Sharp Complete
COOPER - Jocelyn Cooper, Ariane McLean Complete
MYLES - Fran Myles, Ann Gauld Complete
WHITAKER - Fred Whitaker, Anna Monks Complete
MANN - Patricia Mann, Gordon Kellerman Complete
JENKINS - Joan Jenkins, Barry Williams Complete
MITTERMAIR - Sue Mittermair, Astrid Korfgen Complete
ZELLER - Judith Zeller, Carol Ferguson Complete
ANDERSON - Thistle Anderson, Lois Martin Complete
MORRIS - John Morris, Errol Miller Complete
MASON - Gillian Mason, Gary Sandlant Complete
JANSEN - Paul Jansen, Sherryl Barber Complete
CHANTLER - Rhonda Chantler, Kevin Chapman Complete
KELLY - Adrienne Kelly, Lyn Martin Complete
MOLLOY - John Molloy, Pierre Martin Pending
ALLAN - Graeme Allan, Mary Allan In Cart
MAYES - Merl Mayes, Glenys Norton In Cart
DUDUROVIC - Jacqueline Dudurovic, Althea Crowley In Cart
MANZAU - Helen Manzau, Peter Gordon Pending
MCCLEAN - Brenda McClean, Des Ward In Cart