Wednesday Teams

Wednesday Teams

21st to 28th August 2024 - 10am Start

10 entries out of a maximum of 10

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LAMPORT - Anne Lamport, Greer Tucker, Ewa Kowalczyk, Connie Schoutrop Complete
CLIFFORD - Kathleen Clifford, Sameer Pandya, Larry Moses, Ming Yang Complete
GASKILL - Deanne Gaskill, Budi Maher, Marge Henry, Michelle Lewis Complete
ACWORTH - Jan Acworth, Stuart Smith, Nev Harington, Adele Harington Complete
MULCAHY - Sandra Mulcahy, Inta Devine, Vicki Foots, Jan Rawson, TBA , TBA Complete
KENT - Barbara Kent, Neil Strutton, Margie Knox, Dewi Eastman, Faridah McLennan Complete
NILSSON - Peter Nilsson, Yolande Coroneo, Laurie Skeate, Ann Poiner Complete
PORTER - Jim Porter, Kay Hurman, Sue English, Keith Evans Complete
CASEY - Ruth Anderson, Wendy Casey, David O'Gorman, Julie Jeffries Complete
SAPWELL - Ian Sapwell, Margaret Sapwell, Christine Jensen, Sandra Lawrence Complete